Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Providing Great Customer Service

In your last Radical Marketing Strategy email we spoke about the
7 steps in implementing a great customer experience philosophy.
Today I want to talk more about specifics.

The key to proving a wonderful customer experience is to exceed
your customers' expectations. Think back to the last time you
had such an experience where your expectations were exceeded. My
guess is that it was hard for you doing that, right?

But you and I can probably come up with loads of horror stories
where our expectations weren't even remotely met - in fact we
were extremely disappointed and upset. I could write a whole
book on customer service horror stories (I think I might do that

Let me give you some examples. Whenever I find out that one of
my students in my martial arts school is sick or injured I
immediately send them flowers. I'm not talking about a couple of
dingy daisies but a whole bouquet worth $70 with a nice card.

This invariably shocks them. The last thing they expected was
flowers from their martial arts school. By doing this I have
exceeded their expectations - by far.

I was even told once by the mother of one of our junior students
that her son, while in hospital, was overjoyed to receive our
flowers and that we were the only people to do so. That's what I
mean by exceeding your customers expectations.

Let me give you another example. I travelled with my wife to
Dubai a while ago. We stayed at the Royal Mirage resort. It was
truly beautiful. The moment we arrived we were treated like
VIP's. We were delighted to find out we were given an upgrade to
a suite, which was just stunning.

Wherever we went in the resort the staff always greeted us with a
smile. We had a wonderful time. They truly exceeded all our

Another company that provides great customer experiences is the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel. If you ever go to, or stay, at a Ritz-
Carlton ask a member of staff where a restroom, hall or banquet
room is. You'll notice that she will drop whatever she is doing
and will take you there personally. They don't want you to get
lost, and make a point of escorting you.

I really admire what they do. Say you stayed in a Ritz-Carlton
and asked for extra towels and a specific drink. The next time
you go to the same hotel you'll find the extra towels and drink
already in the room waiting for you!

The last time I was in Cleveland I was standing next to the
entrance of a Ritz-Carlton waiting for a cab. I noticed a hotel
guest returning from her jog and entering into the hotel. The
doorman promptly greeted her with a big smile, held open the door
for her and handed her a fresh towel and a cold bottle of water.
The guest was delighted!

After that I had a conversation with the doorman. He seemed like
he was one of the happiest men on earth. He told me that he was
always ready to help a guest and had a store of towels, water
bottles and cookies! He even offered me one!

This is what exceeding customer expectations is all about!

Here's today's lesson. Come up with at least 10 ways you can
exceed your customers expectations, then implement them straight
away. Chances are your customers will be pleasantly surprised
and very appreciative. This is one of the most powerful Unique
Selling Propositions you can have for your business.

In your next Radical Marketing Strategy email we'll talk about
Getting Free Publicity.

Until then.

Dedicated to your success,

Suhail G. Algosaibi, MBA, MCMI, AP

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